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Clean Green & Beautiful in Action


Our Objectives:


  1. Put an End to Litter (see resources for what causes litter.)
    It's more than a blight on our landscape. Litter is costly to clean up, impacts our quality of life, and hurts economic development. Sadly, litter on the roadway and in our local streams eventually ends up in our rivers, lakes and oceans. Litter prevention starts with everyday activities. Take responsibility by not littering. Keep your yard, your neighborhood and your business clean and litter-free. Help create cleaner parks, streetscapes and public spaces through litter removal and prevention. Don't wait. Be the inspiration by staging a Pop Up Clean Up event.


  2. Greening & Beautification
    Efforts may range from tree plantings that provide shade, to flower gardens that create vibrant gateways into neighborhoods and entertainment districts. KJB seeks to build partnerships to capitalize on local resources. Jonesboro is losing trees at an alarming rate. Planting and protecting trees is important. KJB has joined the Parks and Recreation department to relaunch the Urban Forestry Council. Anyone can promote a greener landscape through small contributions like pollinator gardens, and conserving neighborhood trees. 


  3. Education
    Through special events and on-the-ground service projects, KJB and participating organizations are helping to change attitudes and behaviors toward the environment. KJB joins with Keep Arkansas Beautiful and their mascot Otto the Otter for anti-littering education in schools. Citizens are encouraged to voice support for amenities that beautify. For instance, street trees and a focus on commercial landscaping help to decrease heat islands and stormwater runoff. Low impact development can help harvest rainwater and prevent flooding.  


  4. Recycling Motivated residents are asked to make informed decisions and take simple everyday actions to reduce waste, reuse items and recycle materials to keep them out of the landfill. Recycling is a free service in Jonesboro once a recycling container is purchased. Recycling has the added benefit of preventing trash containers from overflowing and littering neighborhoods. Recycling also helps extend the life of our local landfill. 

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